Friday 30 November 2012

Winter Book Pick

Chilly Reads
The nights are drawing in sooner, the temperature has dropped, and 'going out' must now stumble over the obstacle of 'staying in' which has a cache of weapons including: blankets, slipper socks, cups of tea, and re runs of all the E4 classics. So it is no wonder going out is losing miserably. If you fancy a bit of an adventure in the confines of your own home, why not buy The Tiger by John Vaillant. This non-fictional masterpiece follows the relationship between a man-eating Amur tiger and the inhabitants of a village in Primorye, Russia. But this isn't a man-eating tiger in the usual predatory sense, this is a vengeful man-eating tiger with shockingly human emotion, a lithe muscular frame, an unnerving perseverance, topped off with a picturesque backdrop. The story in itself is riveting, but combined with Vaillant's writing style it is an awe-inspiring account. Available online for as little as £1.46 it is a must have this Christmas.

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